Roland Jupiter-8 two-page advertisement from the front inside cover of Keyboard July 1981.
No, this isn't another case of deja-vu. I first posted this scan back in April 2009, but I never blogged about it. And recently came across something that just had to be put down in writing. Well... on the Internet in writing. But I'll get to that in a second.
First, some of the specifics. This Jupiter-8 ad first ran in Keyboard Magazine starting in July 1981, and continued for seven months until January 1982, when it was then replaced in the February '82 issue with a VK-09 ad.
But, this wasn't the first Roland advertisement to take up the coveted inside-front-cover space. Roland had been a frequent flyer of the front-inside cover since they first took over the space in March 1980 with a short-lived Jupiter-4 ad. A few different ads for Roland gear, including the Saturn-09, TR-808, and RE-501, also appeared there before the Jupiter-8 started its relatively long run.
A month previous (and with perfect timing), Roland got their Jupiter-8 promo into the SPEC SHEET section of the June '81 issue. And this wasn't a normal promo. This Spec Sheet description has to be in the running for one of the longest descriptions ever. And I'm not complaining. The length of the description only goes to show you just how much the JP-8 had to offer.
Luckily I'm a fast typer - although, maybe not that accurate. In the magazine, it is one long paragraph, making it difficult to read. I've divided it up accordingly... :o)
"The Jupiter-8 is an 8-voice, 16-oscillator analog synthesizer. Each voice includes two VCOs, both a highpass and lowpass filter with selectable 12-or 24dB/octave slopes, an LFO with polyphonic sample-and-hold and programmable delay function, two ADSR envelope generators (one with an inverting function), and a key follow option to allow a note's shape to lengthen in proportion to its pitch height with way many acoustic instruments do naturally.I like that fact that Roland even got a plug in for their Compu-Rhythm gear - including the TR-808! Good job, Roland!
The JP-8's programming facilities have the capability to store and recall 64 different patch programs. Any patch in memory may be edited by moving any control in real time. An edited value may also be written into memory as a correction to a patch. A cassette interface allows you to store patches on standard cassette tapes for later retrieval. For expanded flexibility, specific smaller portions of memory may be dumped and reloaded into any memory position needed. A Verify function allows taped programs to be checked as correct before the JP-8's internal memories are altered, which is a useful safety feature.
The unit's five-octave keyboard may be grouped in three ways. In Whole mode, it operates as one 8-voice polyphonic instrument, while the Dual and Split modes divide the JP-8 into two 4-voice instruments that may be assigned different patches. Split mode divides the keyboard into Lower and Upper sections. Dual mode activates two patches for each key depressed. Two patches may be assigned either manually or with one of the eight patch preset selectors. These can be pre-programmed to recall any pair of the 64 available patches with a single motion.
The instrument's computer also provides an arpeggiator function which arpeggiates (up, down or in both directions) the notes being held on the keyboard. The arpeggiator includes four range and direction options and may be assigned to the entire keyboard or to the bottom of a split keyboard, leaving the top end free for soloing, accompaniment, or effects work. The clock of the arpeggiator can be synced with an external clock such as that found in any one fo the Roland Compu-Thrythms (CR-68, CR-78, TR-808).
Also included in the synthesizer's range of features are a polyphonic portamento with a split keyboard option, a pitch-bender, and various LFO controls.
The output section of the instrument includes both balanced and unbalanced jacks. Separate outputs are supplied for the upper, lower, and mixed outputs, and the level is adjustable for either 0dB or -12 dB. There is also a headphone jack with a level switch on the back panel of the unit. Roland, 1285 Mark St., Bensenville, IL 60106."
I decided to Google Map the address.
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I couldn't really tell you if that is the same building, but there is definitely a structure still standing there. Maybe I should go one some sort of tour and document all the old buildings?
Or is that creepy-weird? Yah, probably.
I gtew up in the area. That's odd.
I gtew up in the area. That's odd.
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